An image of a woman eating a THC edible cereal treat.

November 26


Consuming Cannabis: Edibles vs. Vaping THC

By Harrison Payton

November 26, 2022

What is THC, And What Does It Do In The Body?

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is an active compound found in the cannabis plant that impacts the body in several ways. THC interacts with a specialized system of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the brain and body, known as the endocannabinoid system. 

When cannabis is consumed, THC enters the bloodstream and then binds to these receptors. From there, it causes various changes within the body, such as activating dopamine release in certain parts of its reward center. 

It also stimulates changes in other systems, including our cardiovascular system, immune cells, metabolic processes, emotions, etc. However, most people feel the effects of consuming THC through a pleasant feeling of relaxation or euphoria. It can also alter one’s perception of time and space, reduce stress, and increase appetite. 

Ultimately, THC offers a range of potential benefits for those seeking relief from pain or anxiety or simply looking to enjoy cannabis recreationally. However, you should use cannabis responsibly to avoid any unwanted effects or consequences if it is being used without medical advisement.

How THC Is Absorbed Into The Bloodstream

When THC is absorbed into your body, it enters the bloodstream from the lungs, digestive system, and skin. While smoking marijuana or vaping cannabis is one common way for THC to end up in the body, THC can also be absorbed through eating edibles like gummies and other foods. 

In either method of consumption, once absorbed by these pathways, it breaks down into smaller particles that can travel through the body. These smaller particles eventually enter the bloodstream to be carried throughout the body. When absorbed into the bloodstream, proteins and cells help to move THC around so that it will reach its peak concentration roughly 30 minutes after consuming it. (Consuming edibles takes longer.)

Ultimately, absorbed THC usually progresses through the entire body through various paths of circulation, such as veins and arterial pathways, before eventually being absorbed by organs or leaving the body as waste. Furthermore, THC binds to fats within your body more than other micronutrients, so it can stay in your system longer than most other substances, such as alcohol. 

With this knowledge about how absorbed THC enters your bloodstream, you can better understand how proper dosages may benefit your mental or physical health.

Looking for more options besides gummies? 3Chi Root Beer Taffies are a fun and delicious way to get your intake of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC!

The Effects Of Inhaling THC vs. Ingesting THC

Inhaling THC, the psychoactive compound found in cannabis can have vastly different effects on the body than ingesting it. Smoking and vaping are two of the most common consumption methods for inhaling cannabis, which involves smoke or vapor directly entering the lungs. From there, inhaled THC travels quickly to the brain and enters the bloodstream faster than when ingested. 

On the other hand, eating cannabis results in THC being processed by both the stomach and liver before reaching your nervous system and brain. This process results in THC having a delayed onset and a slower action that typically lasts much longer afterward compared to inhaled THC. Depending on whether you have built up a tolerance over time, you can also feel the effects of eating edibles vs. vaping THC differently. 

Because inhaling cannabinoids immediately affects your brain, there’s almost an instantaneous “high” feeling caused, whereas, with ingested THC, people may experience more of an intense body high after taking tincture drops or edibles although this may vary from person to person. 

When used carefully and responsibly, both inhaling and ingesting cannabis may help provide relief from various ailments and contribute to overall health and wellness for individuals looking for holistic healing solutions.

Related Article: THC Products In Bedford, Texas From Danu Wellness

Pros And Cons Of Each Method

Deciding whether to consume cannabis through eating and drinking, smoking flower, or using a concentrate, might feel overwhelming. When it comes to this decision, choosing what’s most comfortable for your body and lifestyle is the best option. 

Eating cannabis, like in edibles and tinctures, is one way of consuming cannabis and has various pros and cons. On the plus side, eating cannabis can allow the THC to remain in your system significantly longer to maintain a more even effect throughout the day. Tetrahydrocannabinol also doesn’t immediately enter the bloodstream, so it can be absorbed into the digestive system first, providing longer-acting effects. 

A downside to eating cannabis is that absorption can take longer since liver enzymes must first break it down before it enters the bloodstream – this can lead to delayed onset times ranging from 30 minutes up to 2 hours. 

Smoking cannabis flower (the plant’s buds) is another popular method of consumption and has its own list of advantages and disadvantages. For starters, inhalation provides almost instant onset times because the cannabinoids flow freely into your bloodstream via your lungs. However, while effective, inhaled smoke or vapor of any kind may create risks:

  • Respiratory issues such as coughing
  • Overconsumption resulting in a sudden uncomfortable high
  • Throat irritation and more
An image of a Puffy hemp-derived THC vape cartridge in its box.
If you need faster relief from symptoms of anxiety or pain, a vape cartridge might be more convenient. Recent advances have allowed for discreet scents and flavors that are also delicious!

Weighing these pros and cons carefully could help you decide which method works best for you when it comes to consuming cannabis safely and effectively.

Which Is Better For You Inhaling Or Ingesting THC?

Deciding the most effective way to enjoy the benefits of THC is an important decision you should make with care. Inhaling THC via smoking or vaping can provide rapid absorption and onset effects that last up to 3 hours, which can be beneficial for those looking for quick relief from anxiety, pain, and other conditions. 

However, inhaling also exposes the lungs to carcinogens and other irritating substances in smoke or vaping oils. If a healthier option is desired, ingesting THC might be the better choice. Taking edibles or tinctures provides a slower but more sustained onset of effects that can last from 4-12 hours in duration.

It’s important to assess your own needs when determining if inhalation or ingestion is best for you – either way, it’s crucial to use responsibly and always start slow!

Need Help Deciding? Stop In Or Get In Touch With Danu!

So, what’s the verdict? Inhaling or ingesting THC? Both have their pros and cons, but it comes down to personal preference. If you’re unsure which method or cannabis product to try, speak with one of our experts at Danu Wellness today – we can help you figure out which option is best for you.

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