The Side Effects Of Too Much THC - Featured Image

October 21


The Side Effects Of Too Much THC

By Harrison Payton

October 21, 2022

Learn About The Health Effects Of Too Much THC

When it comes to marijuana, there seem to be a lot of misconceptions about the plant and the effects that THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) has on the body. In this blog post, we will discuss the side effects of marijuana and consuming too much THC. We will first talk about how THC alters the way your brain operates in the short term. Next, we will discuss how using the wrong dose can trigger or cause side effects such as anxiety.

We will also discuss how high doses of marijuana may be linked to depression. Finally, we want to convey the importance of finding the right dose for your body and how starting low is crucial.

The Effects Of THC On The Mind And Body

When you smoke marijuana, THC levels go up in your bloodstream, and you feel the effects within minutes. The amount of THC that gets into your body depends on a lot of things, including how much THC is in the marijuana, how you’re smoking it, and your metabolism. In general, the effects of THC are more intense when you inhale it.

THC affects the way your brain works. It binds to receptors in the brain and changes the way they work. The most noticeable effect is on your mood. THC can make you feel happy, relaxed, or giggly. 

It can also cause some people to feel anxious or paranoid. Short-term effects also include changes in how your body moves and slows down your reaction time. These effects can last for a few hours or even longer if you smoke a lot of marijuana.

Marijuana use can also have some short-term health effects, like dry mouth and bloodshot eyes. It can also affect your judgment and coordination, which could lead to accidents or injuries. If you’re pregnant, marijuana use could harm your baby’s brain development. There’s also some evidence that people who start smoking marijuana as teens have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.

The Wrong Dose May Trigger Anxiety

While THC is known for its ability to produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria, large amounts of the chemical can actually have the opposite effect. In fact, research has shown that large doses of THC can trigger anxiety and other negative side effects. 

For people who are struggling with behavioral health issues, such as anxiety disorders, using large amounts of THC can worsen their symptoms. In some cases, it can potentially even lead to a full-blown panic attack. There have been rare instances where individuals have panic attacks severe enough to cause emergency medical situations, ultimately leading to emergency room visits. This is often the result of a marijuana overdose. 

Therefore, it is essential to be fully aware of the potential side effects of THC and to use it in moderation. When used responsibly, THC may be a safe and effective way to manage anxiety and other conditions. However, when used in large amounts, it can potentially have serious consequences.

An image of a woman who appears anxious.
Overdoing it with THC may lead to feelings of anxiety or depression in some people.

The Link Between High Doses Of THC And Depression

Some studies have found that people who consume marijuana regularly are at a greater risk of developing depression than those who do not use the drug. However, it is ambiguous as to whether this is because greater risks for depression lead people to use marijuana or if the marijuana itself increases the risk. Some studies have also found an increased risk of developing psychotic symptoms, such as paranoia or a psychotic episode, in people who use very high doses of marijuana.

A small number of people who use marijuana may develop a rare condition called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, which is characterized by vomiting and abdominal pain. However, this is quite rare and usually only occurs in heavy users or those with cannabis use disorder. The National Institute on Drug Abuse warns that marijuana use can lead to dependence and that it may be particularly harmful to adolescents whose brains are still developing.

Finding The Right THC Dose For Your Body

The therapeutic dose is the amount of medication given for its medicinal purposes only – those that produce the desired response with minimal adverse effects. Finding this dose can be a challenge because every person responds to THC differently. Factors that can affect how someone responds to cannabis include age, weight, gender, overall health, and other medications they’re taking. 

Because of these differences, it’s important for people to begin with a very low dose of THC and increase it gradually until they feel the desired effects or until they begin to experience unpleasant side effects. It may take some trial and error to find the right dose, but it’s important to experiment to get it right. As with any modern medication, consuming too much can be harmful and even produce the opposite result you may have hoped for.

An image of Delta 8 gummies by NIMO.
Dosing is very easy with THC gummies, as each one is premeasured and can be broken in half if necessary.

You May Need To Experiment With Different Strains

As the old saying goes, “different horses for different courses.” Cannabis is a complex plant, and different strains can have different effects on people. 

Some strains may be more energizing, while others are more relaxing. Some may help to improve focus, while others may cause users to feel more introspective. Because of these variations, it is important for people to experiment with different strains in order to find the variety that works best for them. 

The perfect strain for one person may not be the perfect strain for another, so it is essential to try out a few different options before settling on a particular type of cannabis. Additionally, the ideal dose of cannabis also varies from person to person. Too much cannabis can cause anxiety, while too little may not produce the desired effect. 

Again, experimentation is key in finding the perfect dose. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it until the desired effect is achieved. With some trial and error, anyone can find the perfect strain and dose of cannabis for their needs.

Related Article: What Is THCV, And What Are The Benefits?

Danu Wellness Is Here To Support Your Journey Into The Therapeutic Aspects Of THC

If you’re looking to explore the therapeutic aspects of THC, Danu Wellness is here to educate and support you on your journey. Our experts can help you find the perfect strain of hemp-derived THC and cannabis for your needs and provide you with the resources you require to make informed decisions about your dosage. Visit our Bedford, Texas Wellness Center or contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal wellness.

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