An Image Of A Woman Chewing On A Delta 8 Gummy.

June 18


CBD Vs. Delta 8

By Harrison Payton

June 18, 2021

CBD Vs. Delta 8 – What Are They?

The cannabinoid Delta 8 THC has been getting increased attention over the last year, and many people have begun to compare and contrast it with CBD. While these two compounds are similar, they are also fundamentally different. Notably, we believe there is a considerable amount of misleading advertising and marketing surrounding Delta 8 THC and its effects. Today, we’ll go over each of these compounds, their differences, their psychoactive aspects, and why there is controversy. Let’s dive into our CBD vs. Delta 8 comparison below!

What’s The Difference Between CBD And Delta 8?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound that can be derived from hemp and the cannabis plant. CBD is non-psychoactive because it does not act on the same pathways as THC. Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, may help with a wide variety of functions in the body as well as pain management. Some of CBD and its accompanying terpene‘s most common uses include: reducing inflammation, boosting mood, alleviating anxiety.

Delta 8 THC differs significantly from CBD because it’s psychoactive. This is due to its ability to bind with certain endocannabinoid receptors in our brain. Some have reported that similar to CBD; it may be able to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. However, the most common misconception about Delta 8 THC is that it will not get you high or leave you feeling impaired. It will ABSOLUTELY get you high, albeit a slightly different high from traditional Delta 9 THC (the THC found in marijuana).

An Image Of A Cannabis Plant.
While CBD and Delta 8 have similar roots, they are quite different in their effects.

Delta 8 is also unique because it is not a naturally occurring substance in cannabis plants such as CBD or Delta 9 THC. Instead, it is created by altering CBD or THC on the molecular level. Essentially, it is a human-made substance derived from the hemp or marijuana plant. As a result, Delta 8 is known as a synthetic cannabinoid, which is illegal at the federal level. The synthetic status itself is not necessarily concerning, but we’ll get into why it’s such a big issue below.

The Controversy

When comparing CBD vs. Delta 8, many proponents of Delta 8 will tend to make arguments that Delta 8 is the newest and best way to relax and that it even beats out CBD. The issue with making these claims is that they often conveniently forget to mention that Delta 8 is indeed psychoactive. While there are a few reputable, high-quality cannabis manufacturers that comply with safety and sell their products only through legal dispensaries, there has been an alarming trend over the last year. Hundreds of fly-by-night companies have jumped into the mix in an attempt to make a quick buck off of Delta 8 and its current legal gray zone.

The 2018 Farm bill, which legalized hemp and CBD production at the national level, was a tremendous boon to hemp farmers looking to sell their products legally. CBD has begun to lose its former taboo status as people across the country begin to realize it will not get you any sort of high or a feeling of impairment. Simultaneously, many are beginning to welcome the numerous benefits of CBD with open arms. The issue with the 2018 Farm Bill is that it only explicitly prohibits the production of Delta 9 THC, which is associated with marijuana and getting high.

Dangers In Irresponsible Marketing

Because of this supposed ‘loophole,’ unscrupulous and relatively unknown businesses have begun to sell Delta 8 anywhere from boutiques to gas stations. This is a very problematic development as consumers often believe they will not be impaired or that the effects are similar to CBD. However, as we mentioned above, Delta 8 will, without any sort of doubt, produce a high and a feeling of impairment. It may be slightly less than standard Delta 9 marijuana, but you will feel unable to drive safely, work properly, or take full responsibility for caring for children or grandchildren adequately.

We most certainly do not mean to use this as a scare tactic, but we feel strongly that there is a legitimate risk of an underinformed, accidentally impaired person getting into some form of trouble or danger. These fly-by-night companies are taking part in irresponsible marketing and dubious manufacturing methods. Because of this reason, as well as the lack of safety regulation and oversight of Delta 8 production, a growing number of states have started to officially ban or make Delta 8 illegal. We’ve compiled a list below of states where it is illegal to grow, consume, or sell Delta 8.

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Kentucky
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington

Will CBD Get You High?

CBD will not get you high or leave you feeling impaired in any way. Danu only offers broad-spectrum CBD products that have been third-party lab-tested and proven to contain 0.0% THC. If you were to consume full-spectrum CBD (which we do not offer), the legal amount of THC allowed by the federal government is less than 0.3% THC. Therefore, even at this level, it would be extraordinarily unlikely that you would feel affected in any way by the minimal amount of THC.

Will Delta 8 Get You High?

Yes. Delta 8 will get you high. Anecdotal evidence says that it is generally a ‘milder’ high than traditional marijuana, but it is a very real form of impairment nonetheless. Similar to how you cannot drive a vehicle or operate machinery while drinking alcohol, Delta 8 will affect your judgment. Perhaps one of the most potentially scary things about Delta 8 is that the production and manufacturing have little-to-no oversight for most producers.

An Image Of A Woman Holding Pink Delta 8 Gummies
Delta 8 may come in friendly-looking gummies, but it’s difficult to tell if what you are putting into your body is safe. The industry needs safety and regulation, something it is currently lacking.

Similar to how there have been very frightening instances of synthetic cannabinoids called “spice” or “K2”, unsavory companies (selling from gas stations, not legal and licensed dispensaries) may be labeling something as Delta 8, but putting something completely different in the package. This is not to say this is always the case, but it is a distinct possibility.

Consider Carefully

As with many things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, that may very well be the case. A quick search of Delta 8 products online will often show you very low prices compared to state-legal Delta 9 THC products or federally legal CBD products. Ask yourself this — why would a synthetic cannabinoid that takes more work and effort to extract than naturally occurring CBD and THC cost considerably less without it being unsafe

Safety, Quality, Integrity, And A Positive Experience Matters To Danu

There are many different products on the market, and it can be challenging to know what is best for you. The most significant difference between CBD and Delta 8 is that one will not get you high while the other will. While Danu is not against Delta 8, we are against its confusing legal status, lack of ethical marketing among some sellers, and (currently) a relatively unregulated production process. We stand for safety, purity, and quality. We genuinely aim to help people feel better through natural wellness. To view our full selection of third-party lab-tested broad-spectrum CBD, be sure to check out our online store here.

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