How To Make CBD-Infused Beet Kvass - Blog Featured Image

February 25


How To Make CBD-Infused Beet Kvass

By Harrison Payton

February 25, 2024

A natural, delicious, inflammation-fighting probiotic beverage with ancient roots

For enthusiasts of infused foods and drinks, creating a homemade CBD beverage like beet kvass can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. 

This guide takes you step by step through crafting a delicious and nutritious CBD-infused beet kvass at home, promising a probiotic punch with the added healing benefits of CBD. 

With robust, earthy flavors, beet kvass is a traditional fermented beverage that supports digestion and boosts the immune system. When combined with CBD oil, you’re enhancing these health claims with the potential to reduce inflammation, manage pain, and promote a sense of calm.

In image of beet kvass in brewing containers on a counter.
Some people are saying Beet Kvass is the “new kombucha” for gut health.


Before we jump into the preparation, it’s crucial to understand the components we’re working with. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp or cannabis plant, known for its potential therapeutic effects. 

Beet kvass, a tangy, sour beverage, is a traditional Slavic fermented drink usually made from beets. The fermentation process can take a few days, and it’s the key to both the unique flavor and the potential health benefits.

What is Kvass? What About Beet Kvass?

Kvass is a fermented beverage that has been a staple in Eastern Europe for centuries. It’s thought to have originated in Ukraine but has since spread to other regions. 

In some other Slavic areas, kvass is made from rye bread, offering a mild alcoholic content, though modern versions utilize other bases, such as fruits and vegetables. Beet kvass is just one variation, which uses beets as the fermenting agent.

An image of red beets laying on a wooden counter.
There are many ingredients you can use to make kvass. For our recipe, we’ll be using red beets. Organic is preferred!

The Appeal of CBD-Infused Beverages

CBD-infused beverages are increasingly popular among health enthusiasts. They offer a novel way to consume CBD and harness the compound’s benefits in a format that is both enjoyable and functional. 

Infused drinks are believed to aid in relaxation, reduce anxiety, and offer an anti-inflammatory boost – qualities that pair well with a homemade probiotic beverage like beet kvass.


To make a batch of CBD-infused beet kvass, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 5 to 6 medium red beets, organic if available
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • Purified water
  • 1/4 cup of homemade beet kvass or whey (optional, for starter culture)

After the beet kvass is fermented and ready to drink:

  • One dropper of broad or full-spectrum CBD tincture oil (dosage per serving)


Gather these essential pieces of equipment:

  • A large, clean glass jar with a lid (2-quart capacity or larger)
  • Cheesecloth or a clean dish towel
  • A mixing bowl
  • A peeler
  • A knife
  • A cutting board
An image of organic red beets chopped on a cutting board to make kvass.
Cut your beets into one-to-two-inch chunks.

Steps to Make CBD-infused Beet Kvass

Follow these instructions to make your own batch of CBD-infused beet kvass:

 1. Preparing Beet Kvass Base

Begin by washing and peeling the beets. Cut them into small, uniform pieces to ensure even fermentation. Be sure not to cut them too small, or you may end up making sort of an alcoholic beet “hooch” because the beets will ferment too fast. Do not grate the beets. 1-2 inch chunks should be an appropriate size for cutting.


Sanitize your jar, knife, and cutting board to prevent contamination. Cleanliness is essential to prevent harmful bacteria from forming in the fermenting process. Anti-bacterial soap and alcohol can cause the good bacteria not to grow and allow for fermentation, so only use vinegar or boiling water to clean your jar and utensils. 


If you’re using a starter culture, mix the whey or beet kvass with water to fill the jar about a quarter of the way. This can help give the fermenting beets beneficial bacteria to get started. Many people prefer not to add whey as it can affect the final flavor of the kvass.


Place the beet pieces into the jar, leaving about two inches of space at the top. Add the sea salt and enough water to cover the beets completely, leaving one inch of space from the jar’s rim to prevent spillage.

2. Fermentation Process

Close the jar tightly and leave it at room temperature, preferably in a dark place. Check the kvass daily and ‘burp’ the jar (slightly opening it) to release any built-up gas. Depending on the temperature, fermentation can take anywhere from 3 to 7 days.


You’ll know your beet kvass is ready when the beets lose their color, turning a pale pink. The liquid should turn a deep red and become slightly fizzy. Taste it – when it’s tangy and slightly sour with a hint of earthiness, it’s ready to move to the next step.

3. Bottling and Storing

Once the fermentation is to your liking, strain the beets from the liquid. Pour the kvass into sanitized bottles, leaving about an inch of space at the top, and store them in the fridge. As with the fermenting container, don’t use an anti-bacterial cleaner to sanitize your bottles. Only clean with boiled water or vinegar.


Chill the beet kvass for a few hours before enjoying it to achieve the best flavor.

4. Mixing in CBD Oil Before Consumption

The final step is adding CBD tincture oil, but only when you’re ready to consume.


The appropriate CBD dosage can vary, so start with a small dose and adjust as needed. Usually, one full tincture dropper of CBD per serving should do, but follow the recommended serving size on your CBD oil’s label to ensure proper dosing.

Mix the desired amount of CBD oil into your glass of beet kvass right before drinking. Be sure to mix well to distribute the oil evenly throughout the liquid.

An image of a glass of beet kvass garnished with a sprig of mint.
Add a sprig of mint or a slice of beet as a garnish!

Health Benefits

Beets are rich in antioxidants, which can help fight inflammation and boost the immune system. Fermented foods like beet kvass are filled with beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, that support gut health and digestion. CBD oil, when added, contributes to these benefits with its anti-inflammatory and potential for managing discomfort and stress.

CBD and Its Health Claims

Research suggests that CBD may alleviate chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia. By incorporating CBD into your beet kvass mix, you are harnessing these potentially beneficial properties.

Tips and Variations

Making beet kvass with CBD is just the beginning. Here are some tips to enhance your beverage-making experience:


You can customize your beet kvass with additional flavors by adding ingredients like ginger, orange zest, or herbs like dill during the fermentation process. These additions can complement the earthy beet flavor and infuse your kvass with new dimensions.


Use the best quality ingredients you can find. When it comes to CBD oil, opt for a full or broad-spectrum tincture made from high-quality hemp that has been third-party tested.


Beet kvass can vary widely in taste depending on factors like the duration of fermentation and the ingredients used. Taste as you go and adjust as needed to suit your palate. You might prefer a longer fermentation period for a more tangy and sour kvass or a shorter one for a milder flavor.


Serve your CBD-infused beet kvass chilled in an elegant glass to elevate the experience. Add a fresh slice of beet or a sprig of mint for a touch of charm.

An image of a woman holding a CBD-infused beet kvass drink garnished with lemon and beet slices.
The great thing about CBD-infused beet kvass is that you can control how strong you want the flavor by how long you brew it, and by how much CBD you add to it!

Bottoms Up, Inflammation Down

Creating your own CBD-infused beet kvass is a delightful and healthful adventure. With the combination of beets’ natural richness, the probiotic properties of fermentation, and the potential healing attributes of CBD, each sip is an immersion in ancient flavors and natural wellness.

Encourage others to try this recipe and enjoy the process of crafting such a unique elixir at home. View our selection of CBD oil tinctures here to choose one for your infused kvass!

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