Image Of People Enjoying Fall Food And Drinks

November 11


Balancing Yourself During The Fall Holidays

By Harrison Payton

November 11, 2020

It’s Easy To Fall Under Pressure During The Holiday Season

The fall holidays are some of the greatest in the year. You’ve got all the benefits of seeing loved ones and friends while eating delicious food, but without all the stress of gift shopping. That being said, it’s no walk in the park to successfully navigate through all the twists and turns holy event planning can bring. Need a partner on your side through the fall holiday madness? Danu Apothecary’s CBD is on your side. Let’s go over a few tips below and how they can get you through the rush and help you enjoy your time off more.

Even If You’re Quarantined, Don’t Emotionally Isolate Yourself

There’s a possibility this holiday season that many of us will be spending the time alone due to safety concerns amid the pandemic. Many of us will be stuck to spending the holidays with just ourselves or our significant other. 

While there have been self-isolation orders and even lockdowns on occasion, it’s important to remember that self-isolation does not mean you need to emotionally cut yourself off from those you care about. Be sure to keep in touch regularly with those you love, even if it means connecting virtually through video chat. If it’s too much though, don’t be afraid to set healthy boundaries.

Danu emotional isolation

Being Prepared Ahead Of Time

One of the main reasons so many of us feel anxious and rushed during Thanksgiving and the surrounding holidays is that we tend to underestimate every year how long it takes to prepare for guests and cooking. That feeling of urgency can be eliminated by taking some notes ahead of time.

While chewing on one of our delectable CBD Gummies, we recommend making a list of all the possible things that need to be done and how long each one takes. Be generous in your estimates, so you don’t shortchange yourself when the holidays arrive. Once you’ve calculated all these tasks, be sure to start on them early. Your mental health will thank you when the big day comes. 

Overspending And Underspending

When feeling stressed during the fall holidays, many of us tend to take spending to the extremes. We either worry about money and skimp when it comes to holiday celebration essentials, or splurge way past our budgets.

Just as you may benefit by balancing your body with exercise, foods, and even CBD, it’s important to remember to keep your spending habits equally balanced during this season. While it’s normal to be worried about money on some level, we recommend a spending pattern that doesn’t deviate too much above your normal budget. Relax, enjoy a quality CBD Tincture, and enjoy the time off with loved ones. 

Keep Yourself Feeling Physically Balanced

With guests, events, cooking, cleaning up the house, and winter shopping on our minds, it can be very easy to let your exercise and diet slip in November and beyond. In order for you and your family to have the best season possible, ensure that you’re watching what you’re eating, even if not every meal. Supplement your diet with vitamins and highly bioavailable CBD Softgels if necessary to potentially keep yourself in a state of better nutritional balance and general wellness.Danu physically balanced

If you’ll be spending some time with family or close friends this fall, a great and easy way to stay active while still enjoying their company is to simply go on a walk around the neighborhood with them. You’ll have plenty of time to catch up on important events while giving yourself a decent cardio workout. If you experience joint pain while walking, there is evidence that CBD consumption may help

When joint or muscle pain is causing a strain on your fall exercise routine and you need to recover quickly, you may benefit from CBD Topicals such as CBD Sports Cream or CBD Salve. These can be applied directly to the area of pain. They smell great with calming scents like menthol and lavender. 

If gaining more balance and natural wellness is something you’d like this fall holiday season, our premium CBD products may just help provide you with the boost you need to keep calm, stay active, and enjoy yourself. Take a look at Danu Apothecary’s full selection of products today!

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